Monday, December 10, 2012

Bourgeois Crepe Suzette

One morning, I wanted some crepe suzette. I had no orange liqueur of any kind, and had just run out of powdered sugar. I didn't even have milk. However, I had a swig of orange juice, 2 eggs, some flour, butter, and sugar.

They turned out pretty delicious. The crepes were non-alcoholic, but suzette-y nonetheless. BTW there are 6 crepes in this picture. They are super thin... makes me wonder how people make mille crepes. I would get so sick of flipping crepes.

I used a crepe recipe from an old friend/roommate's brother. Basically mix ingredients in this order (everything at room temperature): 1/4 stick Butter + 1.5 tbp sugar + dash of salt + 2 eggs + 1/2 cup orange juice.

+ 1/2 cup flour. Mix until smooth. It doesn't have to be super duper smooth.

+ 1/4 cup lukewarm water. I honestly don't know what this does, but the recipe's great, so I don't mess with it.

The resulting mixture is very liquid. This way you can make super thin crepes!

I put about half a ladle in a 10 inch pan.

You can cover it or not, but put it on med-high heat and do not mess with it! walk away! go watch some TV.

Don't even think about touching your crepe until there are bubbles and the edges are a little brown.

Flip, cook for a minute longer, and you have a delicious thin crepe.

These might not look as perfect and uniform as the ones that you get from random trucks and stands, but they are so much thinner and more delicious. Also orange juice is naturally sweet, so you don't even need to add filling. 

It's a simple meal to make. Sometimes I cheat a little and do not warm the eggs and juice up to room temperature, because the best time to make this is on a weekend morning when I have no patience to incubate eggs.

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